Print Active Patients by Employee

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Print Active Patients by Employee

Print a running list of active patients assigned to employees.  This report will only work if you are using the Referral > Employees screen to track assigned employees for a patient.  The report From and Thru dates will look for the employees Discharge Date on the Referral and exclude any discharged before the From date you use to run the report. 

How to Run the Report

o Go to Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail

o From / Thru = Use today's current date for both if you want active patients.  Using a time frame will select any patient active during the From and Thru date.  If the patient was discharged at that time they will still appear on the list. 

o Program(s) / Payer(s)/ Team(s) / Employee(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer, team,employee number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

o Select Active Patients, Admits or Discharges 

o Under Order Report By, select 6 - Employee, Name

o Under Report Content, the follow options have the employees name on the page.  Select the report that best fits your needs:  2, 7, 8, B, E.

o Click on Print

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Last Modified:Thursday, September 01, 2016

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