21.13 Print Aide Time Sheets

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21.13 Print Aide Time Sheets

This report allows you to print off Weekly Aide Time Sheets.

How to Run the Report

  • From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Misc > 21.13 Print Aide Time Sheets.
  • From/Thru Date =  Enter the weekly time period you want to print.
  • Program = You can enter a program number(s) or leave blank to select all. 
  • Payer =  You can enter a payer number(s) or leave blank to select all.
  • Team(s) = You can enter a team number(s) or leave blank to select all.
  • Employee(s) = You can enter an employee number(s) or leave blank to select all. 

Below are examples on the data pieces that pull into the report. 

 Dates Section


Notes Section at the Bottom


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Last Modified:Thursday, January 04, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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