50.05 Pending Orders by Employee

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50.05 Pending Orders by Employee

This report displays a listing of all pending supplemental orders, by employee.

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Orders > 50.04 Pending Orders by Employee.

o   County = Enter a county code(s) or leave blank to select all.  This represents the county of the patient, not the employee.

o   Order Date On or Before = Enter the date of your search (this is the effective date of the order).

Print the Report

After you have entered your search criteria, click the "Print the Report" tab.  

How to Read the Report

o   Chart = Patient chart number.

o   Patient = Name of patient.

o   County = Assigned county code, of the patient.

o   Doctor = Doctor assigned to the order.

o   Employee = Name of employee the order is assigned to. 

o   Order Date = Effective date of the order.

o   Text = Text from the pending order.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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