48.10 Non Skilled Patients

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48.10 Non Skilled Patients

This report displays a listing of all nonskilled patients.  In order for the system to find these patients, this text or phrase will need to appear in Box 21 of the 485:  QOM; 1Q2MO; or 1Q060.  An example would be: “SN:  1QOM to assess need for incontinence supplies.”

How to Run the Report

Barnestorm Office > Reports > 485 > 48.10 Non Skilled Patients.

o   Beginning Date = Enter the “beginning date” of the 485 you want to search.

o   Ending Date =  Enter the “ending date” of the 485 you want to search.

If you want to find all nonskilled patients admitted between January 2015 and January 2016, you would enter 20150101 for the “beginning date;” and 20151231 for the “ending date.”

o   Program = You can enter a program number(s) or leave blank to select all.

Print the Report

After you've entered your search criteria, click the "Print the Report" tab.  

How to Read the Report

o   Chart = Patient’s chart number

o   Patient =  Name of patient.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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