48.11 Patients with 485 w/in 90 Days

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48.11 Patients with 485 w/in 90 Days

This report displays a listing of all active patients where a 485 has been created within the last 90 days.  This report is based on the “from date” of the 485.

How to Run/Print the Report

Barnestorm Office > Reports > 485 > 48.11 Patients w/485 within 90 Days.  Click the "Print the Report"tab.  

How to Read the Report

o   Chart# = Patient’s chart number

o   Patient =  Name of patient.

o   R = Race of patient.

o   S = Sex of patient. 

o   = Team number assigned to patient.  This is entered on the Employees tab of the Referral.

o   Telephone = Patient’s phone number.

o   Birthdate =  Patient’s date of birth.

o   AdmitDt = Admission date.

o   FromDt = Start date of certification. 

o   Emp# =  Employee number assigned to the 485.

o   Employee = Name of employee assigned to the 485.

o   PGM =  Program number assigned to the patient.

o   PYR = Payer number assigned to the patient.


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Last Modified:Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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