02.27 Payer/Revenue Summary

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02.27 Payer/Revenue Summary

This report summarizes services billed by payer/revenue source.

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Visits > 02.27 Payer/Revenue Summary.

            o   From/Thru Date =  Enter the dates of your search period.

o   Program= You can enter a program number(s) or leave blank to select all. 

            o   Payer=  You can enter a payer number(s) or leave blank to select all. 

Print the Report

After you've entered your search criteria, click the "Print" tab.  You also have the options for Landscape view and to Export to Excel.

How to Read the Report

o   Pg = Program number.

o   Payer = Payer number and payer name.

o   Revenue = Revenue source of expected payment.This includes the 4 digit code and the code description of the service provided.

o   Total Visits = The total number of visits for revenue/service listed.

o   Billed Visits = The total number of billable visits for revenue/service listed.

o   $Amount = The total billed amount for revenue/service listed.

o   Total Hours = The total number of hours for revenue/service listed.

o   Billed Hours = The total number of billable hours for revenue/service listed.

The final line of each section shows the totals.





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Last Modified:Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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