02.51 Active Patients With Visit Counts

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02.51 Active Patients With Visit Counts

This report displays active patients with () visits, based on the number you have entered in the "Pts with # Vsts <" field.  For example:  If you enter 10, in that field, the system will find all patients who have less than 10 visits.

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Visits > 02.51 Active Pts with Visit Counts.

Print the Report

After you've entered your search criteria, click the "Print the Report" tab.  

How to Read the Report

o   Chart# = Patient chart number.

o   Patient Name = Name of patient.

o   Empl# = Employee number assigned to patient.  This is listed on the Employees tab of the Referral. 

o   Employee Name = The name of the employee.

o   Admit Date = Patient's admission date.

o   Visit Count = Visit count for that patient.

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Last Modified:Friday, June 12, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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