02.50 Active Patient Visit Count by County

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02.50 Active Patient Visit Count by County

This report displays visit counts by county.  A listing of active patients, with their visit count(s), will appear for each county.  NOTE:  In order for this report to be accurate, there has to be a county code for each patient listed in the Referral.  To verify all patients have a county assigned, go to Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit/DC Dates, select Option 4-Unknown or blank County Code.  If there are any missing, correct ---and then rerun this report.

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Visits > 02.50 Active Pt Vst Cnt by County

Print the Report

Click the "Print the Report" tab.  

How to Read the Report

o   Chart = Patient chart number.

o   Patient = Name of patient.

o   Team = Team number assigned to patient.  This is listed on the Employees tab of the Referral. 

o   County = The county name assigned to patient.  This is listed on the Start screen of the Referral.

o   Age = Patient’s age.  The DOB is entered on the Demographics screen of the Referral.

o   Program = Program assigned to the patient.

o   Payer = Payer assigned to patient. 

o   Visit Count = Visit count for that patient/payer.

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 11, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 3,722 times.
