I Am Locked Out of Barnestorm POC, What Do I Need To Do?

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I Am Locked Out of Barnestorm POC, What Do I Need To Do?

If you have tried 3 unsuccessful login attempts you will be locked out of Barnestorm, and any patient-identifying information will be deleted from your local device until your profile becomes unlocked.

For security reasons, we do not unlock accounts via chat because we are unable to validate employees to verify in person or by voice. Therefore, we ask that supervisors unlock the profile(s) using the instructions below.  (We can also assist the supervisor during live chat.) 

1. Go to Barnestorm Office > Admin > Employee Security and select the employee by entering their four digit Barnestorm code, or search for the employee by name.

2. Once the employee is selected you can click the Locked button from the top, right corner of the screen. When highlighted it will disable a user from logging into Barnestorm; when not highlighted it will allow the user to login.

3. Click the Save Complete Employee Security Profile button.

For POC users, once an office personnel has unlocked the user profile, they will be able to log back into POC with their correct password and complete a sync in order to recover patient data. Note: This will only work when there's an internet connection.  If the employee is not able to recover patient data via Sync, they will need to chat in and request a Rebuild of their device.

TIP:  If you have forgotten your password, discontinue trying to login after the second failed attempt (to avoid being locked out).  Exit the Login window.  Contact your supervisor to get the correct password, then try to login.  

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Last Modified:Monday, January 15, 2024

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 7,090 times.
