New Aide Plan of Care

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New Aide Plan of Care

The Aide Plan screen has been redesigned to add new features.  The function of the Aide Plan of Care works the same.  The two updates we made are 1) the ability to save past Aide Plan of Care when creating new ones; 2) added a Review button to show when and who Reviewed the Aide Plan of Care. 

In this document, you will find instructions for creating a plan of care for a patient, to be performed by an aide. Nurses typically create the aide plans. Only one panel shows at a time.

1. Select a patient by clicking the Select Patient button from the main menu and then typing the chart number or the first 3 letters of the patient’s first or last name. Then, select the patient from the list.

2. Click the Aide Activity > Aide Plan button from the main menu.

From Point of Care you can pull this screen up from the Aide Plan tab on the main menu or you can go to the Aide POC screen within the assessment.

3.  The name of the patient will appear at the top of the screen.

4.  To create a new POC click the New button.   A separate window will appear, the name of the patient appears at the top of the screen. There are 4 panels at the top: Scheduled Task, Current Status and Precautionary Information, Vital Sign Parameters to Notify Case Manager, and Special Instructions.

5. To select items, click on them. They will turn blue, indicating that they are selected. To unselect, click again. When you have selected each item that applies, you can click on another bar to add more information. Note that if you need to add any precautionary item or instruction that is not listed here, you may type it in the Special Instructions panel.

Scheduled Tasks: this is where you select the tasks that the Aide will perform.

1. Select the aide and case manager. 

2. Specify the duration of this aide plan:

   a. The Weeks box allows you to indicate how many weeks this plan applies to.

   b. The Start allows you to indicate when this plan should start.

   c. The End allows you to indicate when this plan should end.

   d. The Freq shows you the freq format with the information from Weeks, Start, and End.

3. Optional, select the aides scheduled starting and ending time for this patient. 

4. Select each task for the aide.  You may click them in any order you wish. The selected task will appear as blue.

5. The following is required if you plan to use the Aide Note or want the aide schedule copied to the schedule feature:  

At the bottom of the panel is a calendar week, which allows you to plan the weekly aide tasks.  This part is tied into Global Settings 0297 and 0298 when marked True.

When you have selected all of the tasks you wish the Aide to perform on a given day, you can click on any of the selected (blue) items, hold your mouse button down, and drag your mouse to the day when you wish those tasks to be performed. While your mouse is on the correct day, release the mouse button. The tasks will appear in a list on that day.

6. If the list of tasks is the same for another day, just select any blue item and drag the list to another day. The same list will appear for that day.

7. You can change the selected tasks by clicking on more tasks, or by clicking on a blue task to deselect it if you do NOT wish for it to be performed.

8. You can drag and drop the updated list onto whichever day applies.

9. If you have placed a task on the weekly calendar by accident, you can place your mouse cursor over that task, and click the RIGHT mouse button one time to remove it.

10.Note that if you have already placed tasks on a day and wish to add just one more, you will need to deselect the check box under the task area that says “Drag all”.When this box is NOT checked, you can drag just one item at a time onto the calendar.

Current Status and Precautionary Information: this is background information about the patient that the Aide may need to know. You only need to fill in this information once and it will appear in the notes for the Aide.

Vital Sign Parameters to Notify Case Manager: you can set an upper and lower limit for vital signs so that the Aide knows to inform the Case Manager if the vital sign exceed or drop below the limits you set.Click the Fill Defaults button to automatically fill in each vital sign with the default answers. *Note: See article Aide Visit Note to see how this impacts charting. 

Special Instructions – allows you to type any additional instructions or information for the Aide as needed.


11. Click on print to select preview options that allow you to view the plan in different ways. The information that appears will depend on the global settings that your agency is using.  The typical setup:

Aide Plan of Care and Aide Assignment - Shows the patient demographics, current status and precautionary information, vital signs, tasks to be performed and directions to patient's home.  The Time shown here will default to the Start and End time that is shown at the top of the Plan of Care.  If you do not want the time to appear your admin can turn the global setting off (Codes > Security > Global Settings > Aide Activity > 0298: False). 

Aide Weekly - Shows patient demographics, current status and precautionary information, a graph to document dates and time of visit along with tasks performed, vital signs.  The Time shown here will default to the Start and End time that is shown at the top of the Plan of Care.

Week View - Shows a week calendar view of tasks that are setup, it shows the scheduled hours and aide assigned, patient demographics show up on the side of the calendar.  This print preview will show the times from the Set Times feature. If you modify the start and end time on the schedule entries, you can check the box Use Schedule Info before printing to use the schedule time in and out instead of the aide care plan.  

o Once you click on one of the preview buttons it will show you the preview of the form.
o The printer icon is in the upper left corner of this screen. 
o Click on the Close button to exit the preview screen.

12. If you plan on using the Aide Schedule and Aide Visit Note feature in Barnestorm to create assessments, complete the Set Pro/Job tab and the Start and End time at the top of the Scheduled Task screen. This will place the program/payer, job code, and time in/out into each scheduled visit that will be created. The schedule will only be created if you are also dragging the task down to the calendar on the Scheduled Tasks screen – schedules will be created for the days you dragged task to, during the Start and End dates. 

13. Once you have completed all documentation click the Save button

14. When you click on Save a schedule will be created with task information inside of it. It will show for the amount of time that you selected in the frequency weeks, start, and end. *Note: See the article on Aide Schedule and Aide Visit Note for information.


Case managers can mark the Aide Plan of Care as reviewed with a date.  

1. Within the Edit screen click the Review button.

2. Select the date the plan was reviewed.

3. Click the Mark as Reviewed button.

4. The main Aide Plan of Care screen will show the date it was Last Reviewed on and Reviewed By. 

Editing the Aide Care Plan

1.  From the Aide Plan screen select the care plan that needs edited.

2.  Make your revisions. 

3.  If the changes will impact the aide visit note / schedule, check the box Update Schedule.  This is optional and will not update the schedule screen unless checked. 

4.  Click on Save. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, July 21, 2016

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