02.37 Employee Overtime Study

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02.37 Employee Overtime Study

This report was mainly created for agencies that provide services from personal care aides and due to the overtime laws that have recently changed. 

How to Run the Report 

From Barnestorm Office > Reports > Employees > 02.37 Employee Overtime Study

o  From and Thru dates = The start and end dates for this report must match start and end days for payroll weeks. Select one week increments up to as many weeks as you need on the report.  If the Thru date does not match the end date of a payroll period, Barnestorm will auto-correct it by selecting the correct date. Dates are based on the visit or non-visit entry date.
Select the First day of your agencies Payroll Week.
o  Program(s) = Filter report by entering program number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

How to Read the Report

The report will print in order by Employee's last name
Weeks Worked = the number of weeks included in the report's date range.
Worked Hours = Includes visit and non visit time for the employee excluding travel time. 
Travel Hours = The travel time is for employees who sees more than one patient on a day.  It is calculated as 15 minutes for each patient seen after the first one; for example, if an employee sees three different patients one day, they will receive 30 minutes (.50 hours) for Travel Hours.
Average Hours = This is the Worked Hours + Travel Hours divided by Weeks Worked.  
OverTime Weeks = The number of weeks the employee worked more than 40 hours.
OverTime Hours = The total hours worked as overtime (more than 40 hours in a single week).  This includes the Travel Hours for weeks worked more than 40 hours.  
Avg O/T Hours = The OverTime Hours divided by OverTime Weeks.  
O/T% = Is the percentage of weeks that an employee has overtime hours within the date range of the report. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, December 10, 2015

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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