The Admission Date Has Changed. How Did This Happen?

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The Admission Date Has Changed. How Did This Happen?

These are the 3 common ways a chart's admission date can be changed:

1.  Barnestorm Office:  Someone from your office has changed the admission date in the Referral.  Check with the appropriate member of staff to verify if any changes have been made.

2.  Barnestorm POC:  A POC user is creating an assessment for a patient who has status of RBNA (Referred, But Not Admitted).  If this is the case, when POC user starts the assessment, this popup will appear:

If you receive this popup, select No and you can continue with the assessment.  Contact your Office staff, and inform them that the patient's status needs to be changed to Active.  If you select Yes, the admit date will be changed to the date of your assessment.

3.  Barnestorm POC:  A POC user is creating a SOC assessment that does not match the SOC date in the referral.  If this is the case, when POC user starts the assessment, this popup will appear:

If you receive this popup, contact your Office staff to verify the SOC date for the patient.  In either scenario, clicking No would be the best option, until the correct SOC date is determined.  If you click Yes, the admit date will be changed to the date of your assessment.

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Last Modified:Friday, April 08, 2022

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