02.73 Visits By Employee

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02.73 Visits By Employee

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office click on ReportsVisits > 02.73 Visits By Employee.  This report will display visits ordered by employee name/patient name. 

Visit Dates After = Filter report by entering the date range starting point.

Visit Dates Before = Filter report by entering the date range ending point.

How to Read the Report

Emp # = Employee number

Employee =Employee’s name

First Visit = The first documented visit for the date range entered.

Last Visit = Last documented visit for the date range entered.

# Visit= Total number of visits for the date range entered.

Chart # = Assigned chart number of patient .

Patient Name = Patient name.

Hours =Total hours for the date range entered.

Average Hours = Average hours for the date range entered.

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Last Modified:Thursday, October 27, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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Article has been viewed 1,751 times.
