02.23 Visit Total by Date

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02.23 Visit Total by Date

You can view your daily visit count per discipline or a total visit count for the date range given. This report will give you an idea of how many visits are done each day, how many patients were admitted and how many were discharged.  This report if found under Barnestorm Office > Reports > Visits > 02.23 Visit Totals by Date. 

*Important Note:  Run Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit & D/C Dates to correct any admit/dc date discrepancies before running this report as numbers may not be accurate otherwise.

How to Run the Report

From / Thru dates = This shows the visit counts between the dates.

Program(s) / Payer(s) /  Team(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer, Team number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

Select the way you want the data to be sorted =

          Print by Date will print each days stats

          Print by Program will group the stats by program and discipline

          Print by Program/Payer will divide out each program and payer stats by discipline

          Print Summary by Month gives you an average number for each column, minimum of two months required to see average 

How to Read the Report

Vx = This row shows the number of chargeable visits

Hr = Shows the amount of chargeable hours

$$ = Shows the amount the visits total

Other column = Any other charges NOT SN/Aide/PT/OT/ST/MSW

o Supplies = Total entries keyed, excluding supplies with a Price = 0

o Per Diems = Shows all per diem entries for date range of report

Total = Total for each row

Visited = Total number of visits per row

Admitted = Number of patients admitted during the time frame

Dischged = Number of patients discharged during the time frame

o Grand Totals = Adds the column data for Vx, Hr, $$

o Averages = Takes the number of months on the report and divides with grand total for average for that column 

NOTE:  Hospice agencies - This report only counts chargeable visits.  You can use report 09.01 Source of Revenue Report to see visit counts for Hospice.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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