19.02 Hospice Licensure Reports

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19.02 Hospice Licensure Reports

How To Run The Report

From Barnestorm Office click Reports > Hospice > 19.02 Hospice Licensure Report.  This report displays the statistics requested for the Annual Data Supplement to License Application.

o From Date and Thru Date - Enter the from and thru date of the period you need to review, by using the drop down tabs (beside From and Thru) or by utilizing the tabs beneath the From and Thru.
o Program and Payer - Enter the program or payer; or leave blank to view all.

o Employee - Enter employee code(s), or leave blank to view all.

o Discharge Reason Codes for Expired - In this field, you will enter all the D/C reason codes for expired.  Commonly used are 01,02,09.

o ICD Details - Checking this box will display ICD statistics for the From/Thru period entered.

o Print The Report:  You can click Print for traditional view; or you can select the box to print Landscape.

For Hospice # of Admissions and Deaths for various facility types, be sure to enter those according to these instructions:

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Last Modified:Friday, October 04, 2019

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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