06.30 Hospice Patients and Days by County/Payer

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06.30 Hospice Patients and Days by County/Payer

How To Run The Report

From Barnestorm Office click Reports > Hospice > 06.03 Hospice Patients and Days by County/Payer.  This report displays Hospice Patients and Days by County/Payer.  

  • From Date and Thru Date:  
From Date: it uses the latest date from the facility from date, the admit date, or the report from date;
Thru Date: it uses the earliest of the facility thru date, the d/c date, or the report thru date; then calculates the days

  •  Program and Payer - Enter the program or payer; or leave blank to view all.
  • Discharge Reason Codes for Expired - In this field, you will enter all the D/C reason codes for expired.  Commonly used are 01,02,09.
  • By County/Payer - Checking this box will display contents by County/Payer.
  • By Payer - Checking this box will display contents by Payer.
  • By County - Checking this box will display contents by County
  • Facility Details - Details by patient on facility type, admit date, from and thru dates of facility entry.
NOTE:  You also have the option to check multiple boxes, to view the various display options.  If you choose 2 of the 3 and hit Print, after hitting Close to exit the first view, the second display option will appear.  If you choose all 3 and hit Print, after hitting Close to exit the first view, the second display will appear.  Hitting Close again, the third display option will appear.

How To Read The Report

NOTE:  The fields below may or may not appear, dependant on your filtering options above.

County = The county code and name.

Pg = Program Number

Payer = Payer number and name.

Number Of Pts = Number of patients, based on the from/thru date.

# Pts Died = The number of deceased patients, based on the from/thru date.

Pt Care Days = The total number of days Hospice was provided.

0651 Routn Days = The number of Hospice days where Routine Care was provided.

0656 I/P = The number of Hospice days where Inpatient/Respite Care was provided.

0655 Resp Days = The number of Hospice days where Respite Care was provided.

0652 Contn Days = The number of Hospice days where Continuous Care was provided.

0658 Rm+Board Days = The number of Hospice days including Rm+Board (0658).

0659 Rm + Board Days = The number of Hospice days including Rm+Board (0659).

Total Charges = Total charges accrued during the from/thru date.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 5,265 times.
