Wound Assess Screen (New)

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Wound Assess Screen (New)

Point of Care > Visits/Assessment > Wound Assess. This screen may show up under Optional.  Once there is an active wound documented, the Wound Assess will show up under Required.

This is the new wound screen. It has an easier flow for data entry and also has a tab to document Wound VACs.  If you have used the older wound assess screen, then you shouldn't have any problems transitioning over to the new screen.

You will have the option to create a New Wound or Assess an existing wound.  Note that at the bottom of this main screen you will see the total number of wounds that are or have been treated and the number of wounds that are already marked as healed.  The wounds that are healed will only appear on this screen when you check the box "Future Wounds".

Either click on New Wound or select an existing wound from the list and click on Assess.   You will be taken to the wound assessment screen.  You will need to document the Identification tab as a requirement.  If the Type does not have a description that meets your needs, then you can type a description in the Other field.  Be sure to answer the Location and Stage if applicable.  The blue icon next to the Stage field will give you definitions of each stage - click it once to make it appear; click it again to make the definitions disappear.

At any time you can click on the Save button and then click on the Back to Wound Selection button to return to the list of wounds. The Comments box is the section where you can enter the wound dressing orders from the doctor.  After entering the wound orders you can click on Add Wound Orders to generate a "No VO Needed".  What this does is it will automatically add the wound orders to this screen so that you will have it ready when you go to assess the wound next time.   If the order ever changes then you can replace the text with the new order and click on Update Wound Order to generate a new "No VO Needed".   The Comments box can be seen under all tabs from the Wound Assess screen.

The rest of the tabs give detailed information about the wound and the wound dressing/change.  The Status tab is used to measure the wound.  You can copy over the last wound measurement by clicking on the Copy from Last Measurements tab; or, if your agency has it setup it will automatically copy over for you.

The VAC tab is new and only shows up under the new Wound Assess screen.  This will allow you to document patients that have Wound VACs. 

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Last Modified:Friday, April 19, 2024

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com


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