Home Health / Hospice Patient Locations By Date

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Home Health / Hospice Patient Locations By Date

Any time a hospice patient is not in their home, the type of facility must be identified.  This is done at Billing > Other > Enter  HH Location / Hospice Facility Dates.  If the patient lives in a nursing home, it is common to put a thru date that is several years out.

If the patient goes to a hospital, either for a non-hospice treatment, or for respite, this screen is used to identify those dates.  When you select Inpatient Hospital option you are given a choice of counties to select from.The county will be the location of the hospital.  Click the button “Create G8 Value Code for Billing” to save the G8 code and the dollar amount for billing; and will also save under Referral > Payer > Extra Billing Info. 

Pull up the patient that needs a facility type identified for billing.  Select the correct from and thru dates for the facility stay.  Choose the Hospice Facility Type and click on Save.

When the claim is created the Q code will be updated to the appropriate facility.   If you have both Q5001 and the appropriate code on the claim at the same time then the from and thru dates of the facility are not for the entire claim period.  You will see Q5001 as the first date of the claim then the appropriate code for the others.

02 Assisted Living Facility = Q5002

03 Nursing Long Term Care/Non Skilled Nursing = Q5003

04 Skilled Nursing Facility = Q5004

05 Inpatient Hospital = Q5005

06 Inpatient Hospice Facility = Q5006

07 Long Term Care Hospital = Q5007

08 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility = Q5008 

Use this screen to enter patient locations by date. 
Put in the dates, the facility type, and the facility.
Then click the Save button.

Print Details of HH/Hospice Locations by Date has three ways to run the report.
Check All Active Hospice patients = This will print a list of all active patients between the from and thru dates you select.  Showing all facility types with the patients admit date, discharge date, and facility dates.
Check HH Only = This prints home health patients only, showing facility entries manually keyed (does not show private residence). 
Do not check a box = This will print both home health and Hospice patients, showing facility entries manually keyed (does not show private residence). 

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Last Modified:Monday, November 13, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

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