Report for PerDiems, Pharmacy Charges and Compounded Meds

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Report for PerDiems, Pharmacy Charges and Compounded Meds

Run a report of Hospice charges that have been entered by month.  

  • Go to Billing > Other > Enter Hospice Per Diem Charges
  • Click the Reports tab
  • Select the Month/Year of charges
  • Select PerDiem Charges or Pharmacy Charges
  • Click the Print button

PerDiem Charges

This report will give you the patient information, admit and dc date, PerDiem code, payer info, the total count and amount of PerDiems.

This report will also give you any errors found; like the total number of PerDiem charges not matching the total number of active days.

Pharmacy Charges

This will give you the patient information, admit and dc date, payer info, the item date (fill date), medicine name, UM, quantity and the amount. 

Pharmacy Charges vs Med History

Shows you pharmacy charges that are entered and also shows you the patient's active medication history for the month selected so that you can compare the two. 

Pharmacy Compounded NDC Codes

Lists pharmacy compounded NDC Codes.

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Last Modified:Thursday, July 19, 2018

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Type: INFO

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