02.33 CAP/PCS Weekly Summary

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02.33 CAP/PCS Weekly Summary

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Employees > 02.33 CAP/PCS Weekly Summary.  
This report offers two different formats to run. 
The regular format shows you daily totals (one week at a time) for PCS, CAP and other visits. 
When 'Scheduled vs Actual' is checked, it will show you the daily totals of time scheduled out for the day versus actual visit time.  

How To Run The Report
From/Thru Dates = Select the date range for visits. 

Program(s) / Payer(s) / Employee(s) = Enter a program, payer and/or employee code to filter data or leave blank to select all.

When I Hit Print, I get a popup "None Found". This commonly happens when the Import has not been done.  Go to the Employee Activity > Import Visits to run through the steps. 

How to Read the Report
Office = Office number/ name.
Patient = Patient chart number/name.
Employee = Code of the employee assigned to patient.
Payer = Name of patient's payer.
Weekly period =  This is based on the from/thru date you entered.  The first day will be your agency's "start day" of the week.
PCS Hours = Total PCS hours for the week period.
CAP Hours = Total CAP hours for the week period. 
Oth Hours = Total "other" hours for the week period.  "Other hours" represents.
Total Hours =  Total hours for the week period.

For the scheduled versus actual
This will show you the daily scheduled time and then how many hours were actually done. 
Sch = Scheduled
Act = Actual
* will show up next to the actual time if it is more or less than the scheduled. 
When multiple schedules/visits are found they will be added together as the daily total. 
A list of the dates for cancelled or early clock out will appear for users who use EVV. 

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Last Modified:Friday, February 02, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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