Add/Edit/Print Supply Vendors

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Add/Edit/Print Supply Vendors

To Add a New Vendor:

a.  Go to Barnestorm Office:  Select Codes > Other Basic Codes > Vendors
b.  Select Add a New Vendor.  The next available code will automatically fill in.
c.  Key in all the information you have for that vendor.
d.  If your supplies are imported, choose the appropriate option in the Supplies Import section.
e.  Hit Save button

To Edit a Vendor:

a.  Go to Barnestorm Office:  Select Codes > Other Basic Codes > Vendors
b.  Pull up the vendor by entering the code, or use the Search tab to find the code.
c.  Make your changes, and hit Save.

NOTE:  We do not recommend deleting a Vendor, once that Vendor has been in use.  An option would be to include *DNU (Do Not Use) in the description as a visual aide to staff --to no longer use that code.

To Print Your Listing of Vendors:

a.  Go to Barnestorm Office:  Select Codes > Other Basic Codes > Vendors
b.  Select the Print Codes button
c.  Select the Printer icon (upper left of screen) to print.  There are also options to Export to PDF or Email the report.  
d.  Hit Close or X in upper right portion of screen to Exit.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, April 20, 2022

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