04.20 Billing Summary By Patient

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04.20 Billing Summary By Patient

The following information is included in this report :  Payer, Chart Number, Name, From Date, Thru Date,# of Visits for each discipline, Visits $ Total, Supplies $ Total.  It can also show Paid $ Amount and Difference $ amount when chosen as a filtering option (see below), and billing address as optional. 

Reports > Billing > 04.20 Billing Summary By Patient

Filtering the Report

From and Thru Date pulls charges from the Visit Entry and supply charges screen.

Program(s) / Payer(s) / Team(s) -Enter a program(s) or leave blank to review all.

Reading the Report

FromDate / ThruDate - This will list the first charge and last chargeable date during the date range of the report.  

Disciplines - The count will include chargeable visits that have been imported into the Visit Entry screen. This will not include visits marked as incomplete, completed or locked. 

Visits$ and Supplies$ - The total of the charges for the date range. For PPS payers, this is not the HIPPs amount, it uses the rate of the visit. 

Paid$ - This pulls payment code(s) from the accounts receivable for the date range. 

Diff$ - The difference between Visits$/Supplies$ and Paid$. 

Option to pull up “Only Those Patients With More Than The Number Of Visits Specified Below”

This option was added to help track Medicaid visits by discipline, in response to the new Medicaid limitations effective July 1, 2013. (But can be used for any purpose applicable to your agency.)  Please view excerpt below.

For these fields, type in a number in the appropriate discipline box.  The system will pull all patients with visits more than the number specified.  For example, if you type in 12 at SN, the report will show all patients with more than 12 SN visits during the period you specified (at top of screen).

Excerpt from June 2013 Medicaid Bulletin:

"The following limits apply to dates of service July 1, 2013 or after. Note: The state fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.  Skilled Nursing VisitsPre-filling insulin syringes/Med-Planner visits (RC 581) must be limited to a maximum of one visit every two(2) weeks with one (1) additional PRN visit allowed each month.  There is a limit of 75 skilled nursing visits (inclusive of and in any combination with RC550, RC 551, RC 559, RC580, RC 581, and RC 589) per beneficiary per state fiscal year.  Home Health Aide ServicesHome health aide services (RC 570) are limited to 100 visits per beneficiary per state fiscal year."

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Last Modified:Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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