I Cannot Create Verbal Order

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I Cannot Create Verbal Order

Question: I am the employee who reviews all pending orders and creates them into Verbal Orders.  But the Create button is grayed out and will not let me click on it.  

Answer:  You should be able to use Barnestorm Office to review and change a pending order into a verbal order.  

Troubleshooting Tips:

You must use Barnestorm Office for this process.  You will not be able to create orders for other employees using Point of Care. 

Your employee security level must have the correct permission level.  Someone in your office should be in charge of maintaining the employee security settings.  Ask them to pull up your information and verify the following information: 
From the Employee Security screen pull up the employee code having the issue, click the Patient Data tab, the Orders section must be have the Add/Change Other Empl or Delete option selected. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, January 16, 2014

Last Modified By: andrew@barnestorm.com


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