How to Print NOE 81A / 81B

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How to Print NOE 81A / 81B

Per Change Request 10064:

Hospice NOE claims, including both the 81A and 81B, can now be transmitted electronically.  When the claim file is created, instead of your usual claim suffix, it will be either _A.837 or _B.837. 

Please note that if this is the last day of the allowed time for submitting this claim, (81A = day 5 and 81B = 2), you must carefully track the progress of your submission.  The Medicare system will produce a 999 and a 277CA to show that the claim has been accepted or rejected. 

You can generate a file and print the Notice of Election 81A or 81B in Barnestorm.  The patient either has to be active or admitted within the past 365 days.  The patients primary payer must be a Hospice payer with per diems. 

  • Go to Barnestorm Office > Billing > Other > Print 81A / 81B. 
  • Select 81A or 81B – 81B will only work for discharged patients.
  • Pull up the patient by searching for their name or enter their six digit chart number.
  • Select the patients name and appropriate payer
  • If any claims were previously created, they will appear in the column to the right of the payer section.  If not, you will see "No claims created yet."
  • Click on Create Electronic Claim.
  • A message will pop up that the file was created, the location and file name will be given.  Click on Ok.
  • If you wish to print the claim click on Print Electronic Claim and then click Print All Claims in This Batch.
  • Send the file the same way you send your billing claims files. 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, November 02, 2022

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