21.10 ICD Stats by ICD Code or Group

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21.10 ICD Stats by ICD Code or Group

Print stats for most used diagnosis by code or by grouped range of codes.  This report can be found under Reports > Misc > 21.10 ICD Stats by ICD Code or Group.  The results are best when used with a minimum of six months, which will cover three certification periods.  

How to Run the Report

From / Thru dates = These are base off of patient visit or supply charges that have been entered.  If charges were entered for the date range selected then the report will pull the primary code used on the first set of codes entered from the ICD History screen. 

Show ICD Code Details = Check this box if you want to view each individual codes.  Leave it unchecked if you want the codes grouped into its classification. 

Group by Payer = Will divide out the stats by Medicare, Non-Medicare PPS, Medicaid and all others. 

Group by Discipline = This will depend on the charges that have been entered for the visiting staff.   If multiple charges have been entered for different disciplines, for one patient, in the time frame selected then each discipline will be counted separately for the one patient.

Group by Payer Then Discipline = This will combine the previous two options together. 

Print by ICD Code or Group =  When Show ICD Code Details is also checked it will show ALL individual codes used.  When it is not checked it will group ALL codes into its classification group. 

Print by # of Patients = When checked you will receive additional options to print All codes, The top 10 codes or the top 25 codes only with the number of patients for each code.

Print by Avg $ /Patient =  This will sort by the Avg $/Patient column. 

How to Read the Report

ICD Code = Shows the individual code or the classification group.  There will be a 9 or an A before the ICD code to indicate 9 = ICD 9 or A = ICD 10 code. 

% Pts = The percentage of patients that have the ICD code.

# of Patients = The number of patients that have the ICD code.

Average # of Days = The average number of days the patients were active in Barnestorm.

Billed Visits = The number of charges entered for the time frame of the report.

Avg Vx/Patient = The average number of charges per patient for the time frame of the report.

Total Charges = The total amount of charges entered for the time frame of the report.

Avg $/Patient = The average amount of charges entered per patient for the time frame of the report.

Avg $/Visit = The average visit charge amount of the time frame of the report. 

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Last Modified:Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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