Adjustments are not posting for NonMedicare PPS payers

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Adjustments are not posting for NonMedicare PPS payers

1.  Go to Billing > PPS Billing > Update PPS Tracking From Payments

·       2.  Check the box above step 1.  This will ensure that the NonMedicare PPS payment is posted correctly.

·      3.  Next, select the Step 1 button Update PPS Tracking – This checks for any new payments and fixes codes on NonMedicare PPS paid claims.  If payments were found, a listing will appear.  Print (if needed) and continue to Step 2.

·      4.  Next, select the Step 2 button – Create A/R Adjustments – This creates the adjustments.  If adjustments were found, a listing will appear.  Print (if needed) and continue to Step 3.

·     5.  Next, select the Step 3 button – Post to A/R.  When posting is done, the screen will read “Posting Complete.”  Pull up the patient, and make sure the A/R balance is correct.

·     6.  Next (optional), select the Step 4 button – To Print 14.33 Report – Claims Sent Not Paid. 

TIP:  If these steps do not resolve the issue, please view the article link for more detailed information on how to Post Non Medicare PPS Payments.  

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Last Modified:Thursday, May 02, 2024

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