Is There A Way To Track Our "No Charge" Visits?

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Is There A Way To Track Our "No Charge" Visits?

To get a listing of No Charge Visits, you can use report option 02.06 Visit Reference List.  To get to this report, go to Barnestorm Office:

1.  Select Reports
2.  Select Visits
3.  Select 02.06 Visit Reference List
4.  Enter your From and Thru Dates
5.  Filter the report by entering Program, Payer, Team, Employee(s); or leave blank to select all.
6.  Check the box beside No Charge Visits Only.  There are other options, in that section, that can be checked to filter the report.  Please view this link for more detailed information on the report feature:  02.06 Visit Reference List.
7.  Select the desired "Print By" option
8.  Check the box(es) beside the discipline type(s) you are searching for.
9.  Hit Print to view the report.
10.  Select the Printer icon in upper left corner of screen, if you would like to print the report.  Hit Close to exit.

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Last Modified:Thursday, November 30, 2017

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