My Visit Note Comments Do Not Show Up On 60-day Summary

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My Visit Note Comments Do Not Show Up On 60-day Summary

1.  Check your agency's global settings.  Have the appropriate member of Office staff go to: Codes>Security >Global Settings Patient Histories > 1205.
False = Only the most recent visit comments (from most recent visit) will appear on the 60 day summary.
True = All visit comments will appear on the 60 day summary
2.  If your agency wants comments from ALL assessments to show on the 60-day Summary, have the appropriate member of staff change the setting to True.   

3.  If you don't need to change the global setting, but want to include visit note comments (from a particular visit) on the 60 day summary:
                - Pull up the visit assessment
                - Go to the Start Screen
                - Check the box beside Add to 60 day Summary

The Visit Comments are pulled from the Start screen of the visit/assessment.  See Below.

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Last Modified:Friday, August 25, 2023

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Type: INFO

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