Print Patient List with Carolina Access and NPI

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Print Patient List with Carolina Access and NPI

This report will print a list of active patients that have a Carolina Access number entered in either the Referral > Dr + Pharmacy screen or the Referral > Payers > Extra Billing Info screen.  

From Barnestorm Office click on Billing > Other > Carolina Access to NPI CrossReference.  You will see a button “Print Patient Carolina Access Number List for” with a date below it.  The date will include patients active in the month that is selected.

The report gives the patient chart number, name, payer number and Medicaid number.  The FromDate will either be the patient’s start of care date or the from date listed on the Extra Billing Info screen.   The report also shows the Carolina Access number and corresponding NPI number with facility description. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, February 06, 2014

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