01.12 Active Patients with Discipline Orders

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01.12 Active Patients with Discipline Orders

This report will allow you to select which discipline orders to pull.  It also allows you to select the key word to look for.  We gave a function for you to enter which key discipline and frequency words to use so that each agency can customize it to fit their needs.  The report pulls active patients as of the day it is printed.   Orders are pulled from both the 485 and then orders screen.

How to Run the Report

Program/Payer/Team(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer, team number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.
Only print patients with 485 that match the discipline = If unchecked, it will include all active patients, regardless if orders were entered or not.  This will allow you to see which patients do NOT have orders entered yet.  Check the box if you only want to see patients that currently have orders entered.

Discipline Abbreviation in Orders

Check the box(es) of the discipline you want to print.  If you are using a different format in the orders than what is showing up, simply type in the text in the blank field and click on Add Discipline Abbr.  The abbreviation will be added to the list.  Click on Save Added Codes to permanently save the added abbreviation.  

Click on Check All or UnCheck All to do just that. 

Frequency Abbreviations in Orders

This works the same as the abbreviations section.

How to Read the Report

The report includes the chart number, patient name and Start of Care (SOC) date.

485 Date = This will show the 485 from date or it will be blank for the verbal order lines.
Tm = The patients Team number assigned on the referral screen.
Empl = The employee assigned to the 485 or the verbal order.
Discipline = This shows the disciplines order that is pulled from the 485 or verbal order.  If it is pulled from a verbal order then it will start with “VO dated” then shows the verbal order date and then text.

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Last Modified:Friday, June 19, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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