Global Settings - Time Sheets

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Global Settings - Time Sheets

Here are the global settings under the Time Sheets category and, on the right, a description of what the settings mean.




Time sheet rounding

Round time on time sheets


Check each date for overlapping times

True = Check each date for overlapping times

False = Do not check each date for overlapping times




Ignore overlapping times that have a start time of 0000

True = Ignore overlapping times that have a start time of 0000

False = Do not ignore overlapping times that have a start time of 0000


Non-Visit Time Codes to ignore when checking for overlapping times

Enter times codes to ignore when checking for overlapping times



Visit Status Codes to ignore when checking for overlapping times

Enter visit status codes to ignore when checking for overlapping times



Use the Expenses panel on non-visit time

True = Use the Expenses Panel

False = Do not use the Expenses Panel 


Non-Visit time code for the expenses panel

The non-visit time code for the expenses panel



Use decimals in the non-visit odometer reading

True = Use Decimals 
False= Do not use Decimals


Show the Job Code on the Time Sheet

True = Show the Job Code

False= Do not show the Job Code


Show Payroll Units on the Time Sheet

True = Show Payroll Units

False= Do not show Payroll Units


Add Visits not in Assessments to the Time Sheet

True = Add Visits not in Assessments to the Time Sheet

False = Do not add visits not in Assessments to the Time Sheet

1033 Add Keyed Visits to the time sheets True = Allow keyed visits to show up in POC time sheet

False - Do not allow keyed visits to show up in POC time sheet

1035 Exclude COVID Phone Calls from the time sheet True = Does not include COVID calls, but gives the option to show them on the time sheet screen

False = Does show the COVID calls 


The start time for time sheets

Put in the Start Time (Ex:  08:00 AM)


The end time for time sheets

Put in the End Time (Ex: 05:00 PM)


Number of days in a time sheet period (default = 7)

Number of days in a time sheet period

 For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.

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Last Modified:Thursday, September 03, 2020

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