Global Settings - Visit Note Print

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Global Settings - Visit Note Print

Here are the global settings under the Visit Note Print category and, on the right, a description of what the settings mean.

(Note: For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.)





Print (M00) on Visit Note

True = Print (M00) on visit note.

False = Do not print (M00) on visit note.


Print ICDs on Visit Note

True = Print ICDs on visit note.

False = Do not print ICDs on visit note.


Phrase to print when ICDs are not printed on Visit Note

If 1622 is False, this is what will print on the visit note instead of the ICD codes.


Print Medical History on Visit Note  

True = When "Print on this note" is checked on the Pt Medical Hx screen, then the 
typed comments will appear on the print note.

False = Will show the standard phrase from Global Setting 1625.


Phrase to print when Medical history is not printed on Visit Note   

Phrase typed in here will appear on printed visit note when Global Setting 1624 is marked as False.


Visibility of OASIS tracking answers on the printed note

If set to True, the OASIS tracking answers will print on the visit note.


Always print BMI when the weight is measured and the height is available

True = BMI will always print on the note, if both weight and height are entered in the system.

False = BMI will not print on the note automatically - You must check the box "Print on Note".  (*BMI will print on SOC/ROC assessments, if both weight and height are entered in the system, regardless of this setting.)


Show Date/Time Printed on Visit Note

True = Show Date/Time Printed on visit note.

False = Do not show date/time printed on visit note.


Print Patient DOB on printed note

True = Print Patient DOB on printed note.

False = Do not print Patient DOB on printed note.


Use the new version of the printed visit note

If set to True, you will use the new version of the printed visit note.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, March 22, 2017

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