14.16 Episodes With Visit Counts Different From EOE

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14.16 Episodes With Visit Counts Different From EOE

This report will display any visits that have been added/modified after the EOE has been created.  To access this report, go to Reports > Billing > 14.16 Episodes With Visit Counts Different From EOE.  

How To Run The Report:
a.  Enter the From date and the Thru date.  
b.  Enter a Program number and/or Payer number, or leave blank to view all

How to Print The Report: 
a.  Print by From Date - prints report by From Date of episode
b.  Print by Patient Name - prints report by patient name
c.  Print by Payer/From Date - prints report by payer, then From Date
d.  Print by Payer/Patient Name - prints report by payer, then patient name
Select your choice, then click the Print button.

How to Read the Report: 
a.  Chart# / Patient's Name = The chart# and the name of the patient
b.  From Date = The "from date" of the episode
c.  Payer = The program and payer name of the patient
d.  Amount Paid = The amount paid for the episode
e.  EOE Date = The date the EOE was billed
f.  Last Vx Changed = The date the "last" visit of the episode was changed
g.  # Visits on EOE = The number of visits billed on the EOE claim
h.  # Visits Actual = The total number of visits provided during the episode
i.  LUPA / CBSA = LUPA visit count / CBSA code
j.  Batch Number = Transmission # of the EOE batch

"None Found," means no visits have been modified after EOE has been created.  Hit Ok and the pop up will disappear.  The option to check for supplies is no longer an option, since the supplies no longer changes the HIPPS code.

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Last Modified:Monday, May 20, 2024

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com


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