Using Barnestorm Cloud Docs

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Using Barnestorm Cloud Docs

One time setup:

After getting approved for Barnestorm Cloud Docs, there are a few one-time setup items to complete.  

1. In Global Settings -> Misc you will find the main options for Cloud Docs.  The first one is 0536: The Url to Barnestorm Cloud Docs.  Barnestorm can provide you with this url.

2. The second is 0533:  The folders needed for each patient  This will contain a list of the folders you would like to create for EACH patient to store your documents.  You may want to store images of wounds, or maybe some important admission documents which would be neatly organized into one of these folders.  The default is 485|Aide|Diagnostics and Labs|Miscellaneous|MSW|Nurse|PT|ReferralInfo|Wounds  Add as many folders as you would like separated by the pipe ( |) key.

3. Next is the name to give to the folder that contains each patient's information: 0534: The naming structure for patient folders.  The default is LastName_FirstName_ChartNum.  You may prefer to have only the chart number as the folder, so, you would change this to just Chartnum for example.

4.  After completing these items, there will be an additional field from within Other Basic Codes -> Employees.  There is a checkbox at the bottom named Enable Cloud which MUST be checked for each employee.  A complex password must also be entered for EACH employee.  The reason for this is because the cloud docs are available from outside of Barnestorm, and therefore we need a complex password to secure this site.  Additionally, employees can be restricted from deleting cloud docs with the security option located at Admin -> Employee Security -> Special Permissions -> Can Delete Cloud Docs.


After the one time setup options are complete and the employees have their profiles updated, Patient Docs can be accessed from the main menu in Barnestorm by going to Patient Histories -> Documents.  A patient must already be selected to enter this screen.  You will be presented with a login screen.  This screen will take the Barnestorm username and the Cloud password entered in the employee profile.  The authentication to this page will only last through 5 minutes of inactivity and then you will be prompted to log in again.

The folder structure specified in Global Setting 0533 will be created for each patient if it does not already exist.  To upload files, first, select the proper folder.  Then, click the Upload Files button at the top.  Then click Choose files to upload.  Select file(s).  Multiple file types are accepted, although Bitmap cannot be used.  Click Open to upload the documents.  There are also several standard options available for files and folders along the action bar.  A select patient search box is available at the top to quickly change patients.  After completing Cloud Docs tasks, make sure to hit the Log Out option in the upper right to keep the site secure.

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Last Modified:Friday, July 11, 2014

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Type: INFO

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