Search for Missing Pending Orders

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Search for Missing Pending Orders

When an order shows up in the Orders > Track Orders screen but does NOT appear in the Add/Edit Orders screen, part of the order is missing and needs recovered.  This happens when one pending order was used to create a verbal order in both Barnestorm Office and Barnestorm Point of Care at the same time.  The correction for this is simple.

  • From Barnestorm Office select a patient
  • Go to Orders > Track Orders
  • Click on the Search for Missing Pending Orders

From here you have two options:

  • Search for and select each order that needs the pending order created.  As soon as you click the order it will disappear from the list. The order is now correct and will show up in both screens.


  • Click the button Create All Missing Pending Orders to fix ALL orders that show up in the list at once.   Once this button is selected a message will pop up letting you know all orders were created. 
  • Click the Close Pending Order List to go back to the Track Orders screen. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 06, 2013

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