New Clinician Basic Training

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New Clinician Basic Training

The list below shows all basic training items required for new clinicians to learn how to use Barnestorm. 
This training allows the clinician to pause the video, try it on her own, and then resume or rewind the video as needed.

Basic Training
Step 1: Getting Started 

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Step 2: Creating a Scheduled Visit

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Step 3: Add a Medication

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Step 4: Change a Medication  

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Step 5: Temporary Medication 

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Step 6: Orders - Details

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Step 7: Medication Order Play Video
Step 8: Add a Diagnosis Code

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Step 9: Messaging

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Step 10: Care Coordination Notes

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Step 11: Search

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Step 12: Search

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Step 13: Barnestorm Updates

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Important: For RNs and clinicians who do OASIS visits, please use New Clinician Comprehensive Training instead of Basic Training.

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Last Modified:Thursday, August 08, 2019

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