Co-Sign Orders

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Co-Sign Orders

The Co-Sign Orders feature is used to track orders that were created by an employee other than the primary case manager.  The patient’s referral must be setup a specific way in order for this to work.  For a case manager to co-sign orders, they must be listed as the primary employee in the Referral > Employees screen.  When an order is created by a clinician other than the assigned case manager, the order will show up on this screen.  The order will show up in the Co-Sign Orders screen for both verbal orders to be signed by the physician and FYI communication orders

One-Time Setup

To start using the Co-Sign Orders feature you will need to do the one-time setup under global settings.  Go to Codes > Security > Global Settings > Orders.  Change 0679 and 0682 to True.

How to Co-Sign

  1. From Barnestorm Office go to Orders > Co-Sign Orders; from Point of Care go to Co-Sign Orders.  The employee who is logged in will see orders they need to co-sign. The top section shows orders that have not been co-signed yet and the bottom section shows orders already signed.  
  2. You can order the view by selecting the bullet by Doctor, by Patient, by Date Issued, by Date Added.  Select an order and click on the Preview Order button to print or view the verbal order before co-signing. 
  3. After you select an order and you’re ready to co-sign it, click on the Co-Sign button at the top of the screen.  You’ll notice that the order disappears from the top section and moves to the bottom. 
  4. You can select the order from the bottom of the screen to Preview Order.  The date and time that the "Co-Sign" button was clicked will appear next to the electronic signature. 
  5. You can print the list of orders to be co-signed by the employee who is logged in or for all orders that need co-signed.  Click on the buttons Print My VO Not Co-Signed or Print All VO Not Co-Signed

The Convert button will automatically co-sign verbal orders for the case manager for all orders the have been mailed already without being co-signed.  

Co-Signed an Order by Mistake?

If you co-signed an order by mistake you can select it from the bottom section and click on Mark as Not Co-Signed.  The order will move back up to the top section. 


If the order is mailed before the nurse co-signs it, the order will automatically be co-signed by the person who keyed the order, which will no longer show a co-sign line. 

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Last Modified:Monday, November 07, 2016

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