Import / Load Schedules as Charges

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Import / Load Schedules as Charges

This screen allows you to find scheduled visits and import them into the list of chargeable visits that are ready for billing. This means you will not have to key in the charges for the visits you import from schedules.

To turn this feature on go to Codes > Security Global Settings.  Expand the Visit Entry category and change 1520 to True; change 1521 to the number of days set the Thru date to (see from and thru dates below); change 1522 to the date you want to start converting the scheduled visits to visit entries. 

From and Thru dates:  You can manually select the from and thru date of the schedule dates you want to search for.  The default dates will depend on how the global setting is setup.  To change the dates, click on the drop down arrow and select a date from the calendar.   The Thru date will not allow you to select a date after the number of days given in the global setting screen (global setting 1521 from above).  

View Schedules:  After your dates are selected, Barnestorm will search for any schedules that has a time in dated between the From and Thru date you have selected. 

Create Visit Charges:  After the generated list of scheduled visits is correct, you can click on the Create Visit Charges button to convert all of the items in the list to a visit entry for billing. 

When the code is missing, use visit status code: Enter a three digit visit status code if you want to automatically fill in blank visit status codes.  When the import process is complete it will fill in the blank visit status code with the three digit code you entered.   

Program #:  Enter a specific program number and only import schedules for that program; OR leave blank to find all unimported schedules for all programs.

Print Detail List:  If you are not ready to import the visit charges that are pulled up, you can click on Print Detail List if you want to review the assessment list first.

Find Incomplete Schedules: This button searches for schedules that have an invalid or have blank Chart#, Payer, Job code, Visit Status Code, or employee#.   You can edit the entries from this screen by clicking on the Edit Highlighted Schedule button.  If the patient does not have a payer entered on the Referral screen then you will not be able to edit the scheduled entry yet.  If no errors are found, a message will appear “None Found” and it will now reload the import list.

Edit Highlighted Schedule:  If incorrect information was keyed into a scheduled visit, you can edit the information by selecting the schedule and click on the Edit Highlighted Schedule button.This will bring up Edit Assessment / Visit Data box where you can change the incorrect information before creating the charge.  

Find Oldest UnPosted Schedule:  Finds the old schedules before the From date that have not been posted yet. 

Select Disciplines:  Allows you select which disciplines to include in the import; or which disciplines to exclude from the import of schedules. 

I found an incorrect entry, AFTER the import:  

Once you import, the schedule entry and charge are no longer connected.  If you find any errors, you will need to correct the schedule entry and correct the visit entry

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Last Modified:Thursday, July 17, 2014

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