NC Tracks Testing

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NC Tracks Testing

NOTE: NC Tracks testing is required by NC Medicaid. They have sent you information about this process with instructions on how to do it. Barnestorm does not have their instructions. We have provided a way for you to create a file to send them, but you will need to send the file to them according to their instructions. 

The two different file types they request are 270 (eligibility) and 837 (claim). 

To send a test eligibility file to NC Tracks, use this procedure:
    1. Go to Create Eligibility Verifications.
    2. Select a Medicaid payer from the list of payers.
    3. Click on 'Create Eligibility File'.
    4. IMPORTANT: Print out and/or write down the eligibility file info, as you will need to find the file on your system to upload it to NCTracks. Ex. C:\Barnestorm\Claims(file_name).
    5. DO NOT USE THE TRANSMIT TO NC MEDICAID screen. Instead, upload the file to NC Tracks testing portal with instructions they have provided to you. Barnestorm is unable to assist with the upload process. 

    To send a test claim to NC Tracks, use this procedure:
    1. Go to All Other Billing.
    2. Enter the payer number for NC Medicaid.
    3. Select Patients as Specified Above. Identify 25 patients you want to send as a test claim--try to pick ones that usually have no problems. Click patient's from the left to remove them from the list.
    4. Click on 'Prepare Charges for Billing'.
    5. Click 'Create HIPAA Tx'. 
    6. IMPORTANT: Print out and/or write down the claim info, as you will need to find the file on your system to upload it to NCTracks.
    7. DO NOT USE THE TRANSMIT TO NC MEDICAID screen. Instead, upload the file to NC Tracks testing portal with instructions they have provided to you. Barnestorm is unable to assist with the upload process. 
    Where are the files? Probably on your mapped drive to BRNSTORM\HIPAA, but if you wrote down the file information above, you should have the path to where to find it on your computer. Navigate to that location on your computer and look for the file name you wrote down. If you didn't write down the claim/eligibility location info and can't find the file, repeat the process and write down this information so that you can find the file.

    You will not be able to use Barnestorm for sending eligibility and claims until you have passed all testing phases with NC Tracks. You will need to have the TSN and your NCID with password setup in order to use Barnestorm for transmitting files. 

    After you create and send the test files, you will still need to bill these patients normally (NOT as an NC Tracks test) in order to get paid by NC Medicaid. Use your normal billing and eligibility process for this, with the NC Tracks box UNCHECKED.

    If you have questions about NC Tracks, please contact them at 1.866.844.1113.
    Barnestorm does not support NC Tracks, so please contact them with your questions. 1.866.844.1113

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    Last Modified:Wednesday, March 13, 2024

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    Type: HOWTO

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