Global Settings - Misc

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Global Settings - Misc

(NOTE:  For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.)





The default number of letters to type before searching for patients

Enter a number 1-3. 3 is helpful for larger databases to make search quicker. 


The default number of milliseconds to check for new system messages

Messages = Messaging feature.  POC users will need to sync first.


Use Barnestorm Messaging for emailing reports

True = Uses the messaging feature to send reports.  
False = Use the default email system that your computer has setup


Search KB Articles on each screen           

True = When you select the Knowledgebase icon at the top of Barnestorm Office (question mark in circle), it will display articles related to the screen you have pulled up.
False = Will pull up a separate internet page to search for articles. 

0506 Use simple care plans screen True = Uses the simple home health care plans features

False = Will load a comprehensive home health care plan
0508 The default email client, with its open param, like outlook .exe/f

0510 The max number of active patients to trigger auto search on Select Patient If this number listed in global setting is higher than the total number of active patients for the agency, then ALL patients will show up on the Select Patient screen in order by the patients last name


Show switch user button on Office login

True = The login screen for Barnestorm Office will show a button "Switch Users" so that you can enter a different user name and password without logging out of the current profile.
False = The Switch Users button will not show up.   


Show switch user button on poc login

True = The login screen for Barnestorm POC will show a button "Switch Users" so that you can enter a different user name and password without logging out of the current profile.
False = The Switch Users button will not show up.   


Show Employee Pictures  

True = Allows a picture of the employee to show up from Barnestorm Office > Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees
False = Does not allow a picture to show up


The folders needed for each patient

The name of each folder placed in the main pt document folder, separated with a pipe | 

*If you remove/delete a folder from this setting, it will remove the folder from all patients, except those where the folder has been used.

0539 Use Employee Profile pictures. True = Allows an employee picture to be uploaded to Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees

0540 Use Patient profile pictures ** NOT ACTIVE YET

Doctor name format for orders: 1 = Dr. Joe E. Doctor, MD

2 = Dr. Joe E. Doctor

3 = Joe E. Doctor, MD

 Key in the number of the format you wish to use on orders.  You must Update PECOS from Codes > Other Basic Codes > Doctors after selecting the format. 
0545  Use a Closed Account System - no transaction dates allowed that pre-date to most recently closed month  ** NOT ACTIVE YET
0546 The folders needed for each employee Folders used in the Cloud for each employee.   Separate each folder with a pipe |  
0547 The folders needed for each hospice patient Folders used in the Cloud for each Hospice patient.  Separate each folder with a pipe | 


Enable share link on Cloud Documents

True = Allows you to send a link of the select document in cloud with an expiration time on viewing 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, April 24, 2024

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