This report will give you the visit status of assessments that have any of the following assessments screens incomplete: Functional, Pain, Safety, Vital Signs, Cardiovascular or Respiratory.
Go to Reports > Assessment > 30.03 Incomplete Visit Documentation. Here are your filtering options:
o Starting / Ending Date = Put in the applicable date or date range for your search
o Visit Status = Enter the two digit code that you want the report to pull up for you, or leave blank to pull up all. Here is a list of the visit status descriptions. You can enter multiple codes by separating them with a comma; ie. 00,01,02.
00 = Incomplete Visit
01 = Completed Visit
02 = Locked Visit
03 = Locked and Charged Visit
o Program(s) = Put in the program code(s) or leave blank to search all.
o Employee(s) = Put in the employee code(s) or leave blank to search all.
o Team(s) = Put in the team code(s) or leave blank to search all.
This report is sorted by employee last name, and then by the visit date.
Each data screen (Functional, Pain, Safety, Vital, Cardio, Resp) column will have either Y or N.
Y= the screen has data entered in it; it may not be complete per your agency rules but something has been documented.
N= the screen is incomplete.