Starting an Assessment in Point of Care

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Starting an Assessment in Point of Care

Where to Start a New Assessment VideoWhere to Start a New Visit - YouTube

From Barnestorm Point of Care, you can start an assessment a couple of different ways. 

Using the Schedule feature
  • The most common way is to go to the Select Patient screen and click My Schedules.
  • Select the patient for the visit you need to start.
  • Click the Start Assessment button. 
The alternate way is by going to the Schedule Calendar screen and right click on the schedule.  Left click on the Create Assessment option. 

If you exit the assessment without finishing it, you can select the scheduled visit from the My Schedule button - instead of Start Assessment you will see Edit Assessment.  You can use this button to pull the assessment up to modify it. 
The New button allows you to create a new schedule for the current patient selected.  
This will pull up the Add/Edit Schedule screen. The Edit button allows you to edit the currently selected schedule. The Print button will print the schedule. 

Note: if the Edit Assessment button is NOT active then the assessment has been locked.  You will need to unlock the assessment from the Visits / Assessments screen. 

If you do not use the Schedule feature 

  • Select the patient from the Select Patient screen.
  • At the bottom you can click on New; or
  • Go to the Visits/Assessments screen and click on the plus icon. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, August 24, 2023

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