View Assessment Screen History

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View Assessment Screen History

Use this feature to review the history of different sections (screens) in an assessment.  From Barnestorm Office or Point of Care, pull up the patient you wish to review the assessment history.

NOTE: This report will take a while to collect if using a wide date range or multiple topics. Allow time for the report to generate. Interrupting the report may result in an error and close Barnestorm.

Click on the Visits/Assessments > View History button.  This is a good way to review how certain documentation is changing.  A good example would be to use this for Fall Assess and Post Fall and any other screen that you would reference falls.  The Print will group everything by date.

Point-of-Care > Visits/Assessment

From / Thru = Date(s) of the assessment

Admin Thru D/C = Fills in the From and Thru date with that patients admit date and discharge date, or todays date if they are still active.

Last 60 Days = From date will be 60 days ago and Thru date will be current date.

Show in Alpha Order = Will show the list of screens in alphabetical order.  If this is not checked then the order will follow that of the assessment (order of the screens inside of the assessment).  

Check All = Checks all screens shown.

Print Newest to Oldest = Prints by the assessment date.  

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Last Modified:Friday, September 22, 2023

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