02.31 ADP Payroll Report

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02.31 ADP Payroll Report

If you wish to export your payroll information from Barnestorm to ADP, please email us at customersupport@barnestorm.com to start the process. Our export must be customized to your data and ADP account. Once your export is created, we will work with you test it.

The process for exporting payroll to ADP is as follows:
  1. Go to Reports > Employees > 02.31 ADP Payroll.
  2. Enter any holidays in the payroll period.
  3. Create the Payroll export. This creates a special .CSV that's for importing to ADP, and it always goes into the C:\ADP\PCPW\ADPDATA\ folder.
  4. Import the CSV file to ADP.
  • If you are using Point of Care and import the visits into Office, make sure all visits have been imported.
  • Make sure the dates on the report reflect the correct pay period. 
  • Verify the checkbox to include completed visits is checked, or not checked, depending on what your agency wants.  If checked, this will include visits that are not in the Locked and Charged status. 
  • If you do not have the option to run the report either your agency is not setup to use this report or you do not have the appropriate path setup on your computer C:\ADP\PCPW\ADPDATA\. You can add the folders to your C drive, log out of Barnestorm and back in to verify the report works. 
Some agencies may have additional filters for programs. Use a comma to separate the program codes, no spaces. 
Employee Program#s to be skipped = Excludes assessments based on the employees program number assigned to them under Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees. This does not skip non-visit code entries.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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