Write-Off An Outstanding Balance, Per Chart

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Write-Off An Outstanding Balance, Per Chart

  • From Main Menu, go to Accounts Receivable > Post Payments > Post Paper Remittances.
  • Enter chart number for the patient, or key in first 3 letters of last name and select the patient.
  • (If the patient has been discharged, choose the proper bullet that indicates number of days discharged.)
  • The patient’s A/R history will appear on the screen.  Click on the line that holds the balance to be written off.
  • A mini screen will appear (see below) – “Add/Edit An Accounts Receivable Posting Entry” – Verify Transaction  Date.
  • At Amount # 1, you will enter the amount to be written off.
  • At Code # 1, you will enter the pay/adj code that indicates a write-off.
  • There is a Comments section where you can enter a brief note. 
  • Select Save.
  • Select View Detail (To verify your posting is correct.).
  • Select View Totals (To verify total is correct).
  • Select Approve Totals.
  • Select Post Entries (A box will appear "Posting is complete.").
  • Select Refresh A/R Detail to view your changes.

To Get a Total$ of Your Write-offs, Here Are a Few Report Options:

05.07 Pay/Adj Code Totals by Quarter - This report does not include the option to filter by pay/adj code.

05.08 Selected Detail - This report does include the option to filter by pay/adj code.  If you are just printing details of write-offs, enter your agency code(s) for write-off in the pay/adj code field.

05.11 Totals By Program/Pay/Adj Code - This report includes the option to filter by pay/adj code.  If you are just printing details of write-offs, enter your agency code(s) for write-off in the pay/adj field.

To Locate Your Payment/Adjustment Codes, Go To:

Barnestorm Office > Accounts Receivable > Pay/Adj Codes

The codes will be listed on bottom, right of the screen.  Select the program number to view the pay/adj codes your agency has set up.  Use the Print buttons to view the reports.

If you need to set up a new pay/adj code, click here for the article link.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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