07.02 Verify Sex/Race/DOB/etc

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07.02 Verify Sex/Race/DOB/etc

This audit report will check the patient's referral for missing information that may throw off your agency stat reports.  If a patient was readmitted, it will compare some of the new information to the old information to look for differences in data.

How to Run the Report

o From Barnestorm Office go to Reports > Audit > 07.02 Verify Sex/Race/DOB/etc

o Select a From and Thru date = For only active patients as of today, make both the From and Thru date today.  Any range of dates will select patients that were active during the date range selected.  

o Program(s) / Payer(s) = Filter report by entering specific program or payer number (s), or leave blank to select all.

o You can choose to skip incomplete information/differences, such as payer, team, race, etc.  Choose the options you want to skip, by checking the check the box(es) listed. 

Print a report of patients admitted more than once with different SSNs = Great option to run and fix patient's with SSN issues.  We suggest running this one frequently.  The Program and Payer filters work with this option, but the From and Thru dates are ignored. 

o  Update Missing Race Codes From OASIS M0140 = If there are many patients with missing Race you can click this option to automatically have the Race filled in on the Referral.  It will look for patients with a missing Race on the Referral BUT has an OASIS with M0140 answered.  This option ignores all filter and dates and searching for ALL valid patients within the last two years who are not marked as cancel or RBNA. 

How to Read the Report

The report runs in order by the patient's social security number.  The first part of the report will show patients without a social security number on the referral - the Soc Sec No column shows up as 000-00-0000.  Following that section, the report continues to run by the patient's SSN for issues related to payer, team, race, middle initial, martial status, cancelled referrals, and RBNA.  The issues are identified with asterisks under the section of the conflicting data.  We recommend running this report frequently to ensure accurate data on the statistic reports. NOTE:  It is important to correct any name, DOB, race, sex, or SSN issues.  This can cause misleading data in agency data reports.

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Last Modified:Friday, May 17, 2024

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 12,019 times.
