Global Settings - Supply Charges

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Global Settings - Supply Charges

Here are the global settings under the Supply Charges category and, on the right, a description of what the settings mean.





Load Supplies from Assessments

True = Loads supplies from assessments   
False= Loads supplies from approved requisitions. 


Default Supply Import In Days

The number of days to wait before importing supplies.

 0310 Load Supplies Cut-Off date                   The earliest date that importing supplies will begin.  
NOTE:  Using 20751231, indicates that agency is not currently importing supplies.


Employee number for the supply clerk.

The supply clerk can be notified via Barnestorm messaging each time a supply requisition is createdIn this field, type in the employee code for that individual.

 0312 Notify supply clerk in GS0311 when a requisition is entered. When set to True, the employee assigned to the code entered in 0311 (above) will receive a Barnestorm message each time a supply requisition is created.

For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.

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Last Modified:Monday, April 24, 2023

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