Global Settings - 485s

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Global Settings - 485s

Here are the global settings under the 485s category and, on the right, a description of what the settings mean. Barnestorm Office > Codes > Security > Global Setting > 485s





485s/Orders received by fax are considered received

True = Considered received
False= Not considered received 


Use Case Manager on 485 

True = Use case manager
False= Do not use case manager


Add dr num to chart in box 4

True = Add Dr Num to box 4

False = Do not add Dr Num to box 4


Checks the box (in the referral) to add consulting doctors to 485s.

True = This box will be autoselected for you, to print consulting doctor(s) on the 485.

False = You will have to manually select to print the consulting doctor(s) on the 485.


Only print the physician signature block on Page 1 of the 485

True = Only shows a space to allow doctor signature on page 1

False = Shows a place on each page of the 485 for a doctor signature 


Number of days from med effective date til 485 from date to show (N) and (C)

Number between 10 and 60 that will show the (N) or (C) beside a med on the 485

0120 For CAP/PCS agencies, the title of the printed 485 If your agency is strictly CAP/PCS you can type in a special 485 header here to show on the printed 485


If it is my 485, then print my signature 

True = Print signature
False= Do not print signature 


Print signatures on all 485s of all employees 

True = Print all signatures
False= Do not print signatures

0183 485 format for pulling data into box 21 1) Pull SOC/Recert info first; 2) Pull most recent entry; 3) Pull all entries for period includes 5 days before From Date


Print signatures on previously mailed 485s

True = Print signatures
False= Do not print signatures


When true, the assessment that created the 485 must be locked before it can be mailed

True = Assessment that created 485 must be locked in order for the 485 to be mailed

False = Assessment that created 485 does NOT need locked in order to mail 485 


Use DNR on 485

True= Adds the Resuscitate Status from the Referral to the top of Box 21 on the 485

False= Does not add the Resuscitate Status to Box 21 on the 485


Use the prognosis on Hospice patients
** Hospice only

True= Prognosis will show up in Box 20 on the 485

False= Risk will show up in Box 20 on 485


Always show Box 23 on 485s when they are edited from the New 485 screen

True = Box 23 will always show a value to be entered and will not allow you to hide the date

False = Give you the option to enter a value or hide it from the 485 preview 

0197 Print headings in white

True = On the Space Saver version the headers will show white instead of shaded (this helps when faxing) 

False = Space Saver version headers will be shaded 


485 String for printing at the bottom of Box 22 for all Recert/Medicare 485s

Type the message that should appear at the end of box 22 text for all recert 485s for Medicare patients.  

The text will NOT be inserted into the box 22 text field - it only shows on the print/preview. 


 For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.

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Last Modified:Thursday, April 09, 2020

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