Add a Physician NPI Number

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Add a Physician NPI Number

From the Barnestorm Main Menu, click on Codes > Other Basic Codes > Doctors. 

1.  Pull up the physician by typing in the doctor code, or by doing a search of last name.

2.  At the National Provider ID field enter the physician NPI number.  If you do not have the NPI number, you can access it by one of the following options:

    a.  Click on this link: NPI Registry to access the NPPES NPI Registry website.

    b.  Use the Validate Using NPPES button to verify information and fill in the NPI.

3.  Click the Save button.

(Please note: Barnestorm is not responsible for finding or maintaining NPI numbers for your doctors; your agency is responsible for looking up and maintaining this information).

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Last Modified:Wednesday, April 20, 2022

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