Looking Up A Physician NPI Number

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Looking Up A Physician NPI Number

National Provider Identification (NPI) Number 

To view an individual doctor’s NPI number or to view a listing of all Doctors, please do one of the following:

1.  Go to Codes > Other Basic Codes > Doctor

a.  You can pull up each doctor individually, by using the search field; OR

b.  Select Print Codes for a list of all doctors – If the NPI section is blank, you will need to enter the NPI # in this section.  Follow link to Add A Physician NPI Number.

2.  You can also use report 08.28 Print Doctor Reports.  Go To Reports tab > Doctor to locate this report.  

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Last Modified:Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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